Monday, June 2, 2014

letter to my daughter, Izabelle (June 2014)

Dear Izabelle,
It is June and school is almost over! 
These are your final weeks as a Jr in High School.
Amazing changes are taking place in your life.

With school coming to an end, begins summer. And with summer comes riding.I couldn't be happier that you and I will spend the summer traveling together with Logan, (and Sophia, LOL).

Already with the few lessons we have trailered to, made it feel like old times in Pony Club. You, me and Sarah and countless horses that we have had throughout the years. All the lunches we have packed and shared, all the amazing lessons, jumping Eve higher then anything, and all the terrible times, leaving the grounds in an ambulance..........
All the places we have been with the horses, the trip to KY I will never forget! You were an amazing groom and stable manager. Your sister was fortunate to have you by her side. 
"PETER IS OUT OF THE TENT"- an inside joke ;) Oh the heat! The rain in Valinor, the good time in Kent, what great times the three of us had.
They are all memories that are so vivid in my mind as your wonderful childhood that I got to share with you!
I feel so very lucky <3

You are an amazing rider and young lady, (yes I am old, I can say young lady).

I love seeing you ride with Jessica, she was your 1st instructor and it is only fitting that she is here at the end of your high school career to continue to help you on your way!

Your connection with Logan is so special. He is a really good guy, he has his moments of craziness, but don't we all?
We talked the other day about when we went to go look at him, what a crazy time. I am so glad we found him, he has been a great friend to you and I know he is sorry for anything he has done that wasn't so wonderful.
He has been there through a lot of changes in your life, always standing by your side.

As I think about you leaving for school I feel sad, but I will still have Logan to talk to when I miss you terribly.
Izzy when ever you feel overwhelmed and unsure of what is happening in your life, think of the true love you have with Logan and the joy your friendship has brought you. Forgive yourself for poor choices and bad decisions always because we all make them, even Logan (Dam Show-jump Rally) but each one is a lesson and even after Logan dumped you twice you got up and still loved him!
Izzy I love you and think you are one of the best people I know and I am proud to be your mother :)
I am looking forward to the summer with you


letter to my daughter, Sarah (May)

Each month I will write a letter to one of my three daughters
It is May and it is time for another letter
This month is it Sarah's turn

My oldest daughter Sarah.....
This week you turned 21.... WOW, 21 years old
this has gone to fast. It was just yesterday that you were born. I can remember holding you for the first time, you were not breathing on your own but I would not let you go!
I am so glad to have spent this week with you, now you are an adult. It is amazing to see you in this new way. Living in South Carolina with a baby of your own on the way.
You are more beautiful now then when I saw you for the first time.  I am so glad that you can spend all this time with this week, Sophia misses you too!

 Mr. Nibbles is so happy living down here with you!
 along with Abby
And Miss G

It is so wonderful to see you and Tyler together 

 He is a pretty big goof ball, and makes your life so fun!

 I miss you so much now that you have your own grown up life so far away from me, but I feel so proud of you! You live somewhere you love and have found someone to share your life with. It makes me really happy to know that your family down here is so wonderful to you.
I know you are all grown up but a little girl (grown up or not) will always need their mommy, and I am always here for you!
And I want you to know that you will be an amazing mother
Little miss Evelyn is a lucky girl to have you as a mom <3