Saturday, November 22, 2014

letter to my daughter, Sarah (November 2014)

Dear Sarah,
Where do I begin....
We had a surprise visit this month, it was the highlight of my month. With you living in South Carolina we do not see each other that often. I miss you terribly, but I know why you live down there. Sun sun sun, seriously enough with the warm weather and the sun :)
And now I am missing two of you..... You and little Miss Evie <3

You are such a wonderful mother, It makes me smile every time I see you hold her daughter.

Mothering has come naturally to you, you are so calm with little miss Evie. 
It makes me miss you being that size

It is very special that Sophia and Evie will have each other

 I cherish every moment I can to spend with you and Evie.

I know that most mothers and grandmothers feel this way, but Evelyn is a very special little girl and with you (and Tyler) by her side she who knows what she will do 
I am very proud of you
All my love,