Saturday, November 22, 2014

letter to my daughter, Sarah (November 2014)

Dear Sarah,
Where do I begin....
We had a surprise visit this month, it was the highlight of my month. With you living in South Carolina we do not see each other that often. I miss you terribly, but I know why you live down there. Sun sun sun, seriously enough with the warm weather and the sun :)
And now I am missing two of you..... You and little Miss Evie <3

You are such a wonderful mother, It makes me smile every time I see you hold her daughter.

Mothering has come naturally to you, you are so calm with little miss Evie. 
It makes me miss you being that size

It is very special that Sophia and Evie will have each other

 I cherish every moment I can to spend with you and Evie.

I know that most mothers and grandmothers feel this way, but Evelyn is a very special little girl and with you (and Tyler) by her side she who knows what she will do 
I am very proud of you
All my love,

Saturday, October 11, 2014

Letter to my daughter Sophia (October 2014)

Dear Little Miss Sophia,
You are now a runner, down the driveway you go running top speed to the barn. You love being outside feeding the horses, walking Marshel, stealing carrots from the garden, throwing sand in the sandbox. It doesn't matter the weather you love being outside.
You just discovered a big girl swing, there isn't much swinging happening, but you love to sit and lift your feet up.

 thats as far as your feet come off the ground

 you have a strong grip!


 You also learned about fish and tadpoles, what a great time you had with the net fishing out anything you could. And you almost touched a tadpole......almost hahahaha

What a fun time you had and you seem to have everyday
you are a super sweet little girl, bringing joy to everyone you meet.
I love you little lady!

Sunday, September 7, 2014

letters to my daughter Izabelle (September 2014)

Dear Izabelle,
The summer is over and fall has set in, that means your senior year has started and you are that much closer to leaving for college.
So every moment I can spend with you I will cherish!
On this beautiful Sunday afternoon we walked up to where your step-dad and I bought land to build a new house.

we brought lunch and had a picnic with Cam and Sophia,
 two of your favorite people

 Sophia Loves Cam also ;)

 You both are so great together, it is like you were instantly best friends 

  We tried to show you where the house and barn will be build, but you and Cam couldn't see it... and then it was just a silly game
 over here and then over there....LOL

 you guys crack me up!

 I am glad that you found someone like Cam, so caring and sweet.

 And goofy, just like YOU!

 You guys spend a lot of time laughing 
 It makes me smile.

Izzy, I see you growing everyday, into a beautiful woman, trying to navigate your way through this crazy world.
Sometimes it is not always easy, but then again nothing worth wanting is easy.
You are a very special person.
Thank you for keeping me grounded! 
I will enjoy every last minute with you! 
And just think about all the hours you can spend swimming with Sophia in our "new pond" .......NOT!!

Love you little lady!